Finding the right venue is half the battle


An affordable option to fit the exact size of your team

You can pick single, double, or even triple occupancy rooms (in case your budget is tight). The apartments in combination with a workspace are an ideal option for fast-growing startups looking to host a productive hackathon, design sprint, or product innovation retreat. Typical customers for this venue type are groups of 10-40 people who stay for 4-6 nights. We offer apartments in Barcelona, Gran Canaria, Madrid, Malaga, Valencia, Lisbon, Ericeira, Madeira, Biarritz, Prague, Berlin, and the Catskill Mountains.

Perfect for:

Teams on a budget (this is the most affordable option)

Groups looking for a more relaxed setting than a hotel

People who like cooking, there is a kitchen available

Teams looking for a buy-out option – rent out the whole apartment building in selected locations (e.g. Lisbon)

Not ideal for:

Groups over 50 people (usually unable to stay in one location)

Teams that want to always stay together – team members may be divided into different buildings within walkable distance

Teams that require an on-site breakfast option

Groups not willing to share common areas (kitchen, bathroom)

retreat villa

Private house ideal for team bonding with small & mid-sized teams

When your living closely alongside your colleagues, it creates strong personal connections. Our villas offer more than 10 rooms that can be customized – for single or double occupancies to meet your needs. Your team will be able to work from different areas of the house like the living room, their own room, or a sunny terrace. Villa’s are an ideal option for team bonding focussed retreats, such as annual gatherings or milestone celebrations. Typically these groups are around 15-30 people and often stay for around 5-7 days (although it’s not unusual for these retreats to run even longer). We offer retreat villas in Valencia, Ericeira and Mallorca.

Perfect for:

Keeping the team all together – for a more intimate experience

Teams looking to have an outdoor area available, usually with a swimming pool option

Teams looking to have a private living space

Groups that would prefer a grill or option to bring a private chef

Not ideal for:

Teams on a budget: due to exclusivity and amenities, villas are pricier than apartments

Small groups that can’t book (fill) the whole house

Teams that require an official office setup, however there are plenty of informal settings to work (i.e. terrace, living room)

Groups not willing to share common areas (kitchen, bathroom)


The best option for large groups

Hotel accommodations are an ideal option for companies that are growing fast and need the flexibility to add participants even up to a few weeks before the beginning of their retreat (in comparison, apartment buildings tend to offer more limited space). The standard offer for our hotel accommodations is a 4-star hotel typically combined with an event space (or conference room). However, depending on the goal of the retreat, we also offer 3-star (more affordable) and 5-star hotel options (for executive retreats or board member meetings). Hotel options are available in all Surf Office locations.

Perfect for:

Groups that require flexibility in adding extra rooms leading up to the retreat

Teams that need multiple workspaces onsite (meeting or conference rooms)

Groups that would like the full-board available onsite

Participants that would prefer a private bathroom in each room

Teams that would prefer a breakfast option, usually a pool, and onsite concierge

Not ideal for:

Teams on a budget: hotels are pricier than apartments

Teams looking for a casual experience, hotels are typically more formal accommodations

Groups that don’t wish to share the hotel with other guests (unless there is a complete buyout)

Groups that wish to bring their own food and drinks

Teams looking to avoid additional custom costs (e.g. mandatory projector setup fee)


Exclusivity for large groups

Full buyout hotels are an ideal option for large groups when a company does not want to meet other guests at the venue. Depending on the number of guests, we are searching for a hotel with the capacity to match the size of the group (not to pay for unused capacity). We offer standard 4-star hotels combined with an event space, and 5-star hotel options for high-end retreats. We have pre-booked dates in dozens of our partner properties. Let us know your team size and preferred location. We will send you the best fit for the full buyout.

Perfect for:

Groups that don’t wish to share the hotel with other guests

Teams that need multiple workspaces onsite (meeting or conference rooms)

Teams that need to share sensitive or confidential business information

Companies that want having own ‘private restaurant’ onsite

Participants that would prefer a private bathroom in each room

Not ideal for:

Groups on a budget: exclusivity is pricier than the standard hotel option (hotel with other guests)

Groups that wish to bring their own food and drinks, or visit restaurants

Teams looking for a casual experience, hotels are typically more formal accommodations

Teams that change the number of participants until last-minute, the size is fixed

Groups that are booking in the peak season (i.e Europe in July/August), or with little advance


Private office space for your productive retreat

Private office spaces are typically combined with the apartment option. It is a crucial space for a productive retreat like a hackathon, design sprint, or product innovation. Every workspace has capacity for up to 40 people, and contains a meeting room, phone booth, and guaranteed fast internet connection (with at least a speed of 100mb/s for download). Private office spaces are available in Barcelona, Gran Canaria, Ericeira, Lisbon, Madeira and Prague.

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850+ retreats organized ● 10 years of experience ● 160+ retreat locations
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