This is another game focused on group wordplay, and one that can be done virtually as well as in person. It’s also really fun, so a great exercise for boosting team morale. To begin, let each person know they’ll take a turn as the story-teller. They should grab an object around them - like a pen or pad of paper - and spend one minute telling the most exaggerated story they can come up with around the object. For example, if their object is a pen, they might talk about how this was the pen used to sign a deal for the most famous athlete in their city. It’s also a game that puts people on the spot and makes them come up with something under pressure, so it’s an especially helpful activity for management level team members.
This is another game focused on group wordplay, and one that can be done virtually as well as in person. It’s also really fun, so a great exercise for boosting team morale. To begin, let each person know they’ll take a turn as the story-teller. They should grab an object around them - like a pen or pad of paper - and spend one minute telling the most exaggerated story they can come up with around the object.
For example, if their object is a pen, they might talk about how this was the pen used to sign a deal for the most famous athlete in their city. It’s also a game that puts people on the spot and makes them come up with something under pressure, so it’s an especially helpful activity for management level team members.
Ever got a surprise coffee? Small gestures are like a mini celebration of kindness. They're a reminder that someone's thinking of you and can turn an ordinary day into something special.
Ever got a surprise coffee? Small gestures are like a mini celebration of kindness. They're a reminder that someone's thinking of you and can turn an ordinary day into something special.
Small gestures activity - Gratitude chain:
This quick team-building activity cultivates a culture of appreciation and encourages colleagues to recognize and celebrate one another's contributions.
Ready for a mini-adventure? In office quest hunt, teams race to solve clues and complete quirky challenges that lead them to hidden items around the office. It’s a mix of problem-solving, creativity, and—let’s be honest—a chance to snoop around desks in the name of fun.This is perfect for getting everyone up, moving, and working together to crack the clues. Plus, it’s always funny seeing who takes it way too seriously.
Ready for a mini-adventure? In office quest hunt, teams race to solve clues and complete quirky challenges that lead them to hidden items around the office. It’s a mix of problem-solving, creativity, and—let’s be honest—a chance to snoop around desks in the name of fun.
This is perfect for getting everyone up, moving, and working together to crack the clues. Plus, it’s always funny seeing who takes it way too seriously.
This one is ideal for small or medium size groups. The goal of the game is to eliminate players who make eye contact. First, choose a person who will shout out the directions. Then players should gather in a large circle with their heads down. When the leader calls “up”, the players must raise their heads simultaneously, look towards another player, and pause. Then the supervisor will say “down” and players put their heads down. These actions go back and forth and if two players happen to look at each other directly, they are out of the game. This continues until there is a winner.
This one is ideal for small or medium size groups. The goal of the game is to eliminate players who make eye contact. First, choose a person who will shout out the directions. Then players should gather in a large circle with their heads down. When the leader calls “up”, the players must raise their heads simultaneously, look towards another player, and pause. Then the supervisor will say “down” and players put their heads down. These actions go back and forth and if two players happen to look at each other directly, they are out of the game. This continues until there is a winner.
Who’s the office detective? In whodunit: office edition, your team plays out a murder mystery, with each member taking on a character to help solve the case. The goal? Work together, piece by piece, to find the culprit.This interactive, large-group activity is great for boosting communication, creativity, and collaboration. It encourages employees to engage and think critically while embracing their roles. Plus, it’s a hilarious way to break up the day and get everyone involved in some playful, investigative fun!
Who’s the office detective? In whodunit: office edition, your team plays out a murder mystery, with each member taking on a character to help solve the case. The goal? Work together, piece by piece, to find the culprit.
This interactive, large-group activity is great for boosting communication, creativity, and collaboration. It encourages employees to engage and think critically while embracing their roles. Plus, it’s a hilarious way to break up the day and get everyone involved in some playful, investigative fun!
Office and remote workers team up to match pairs of items. Remote workers describe their items, and office workers try to match them without seeing them.Remote participants start by picking an item from their home (like a weird-shaped mug or a funky pen), but instead of showing it, they give the office team a detailed description. The in-office team then tries to find a matching item in the office based on that description alone. It’s all about great communication and attention to detail. Once both teams think they’ve found a match, they reveal the items on camera to see if they actually paired them correctly! It’s a light-hearted, fun way to boost listening skills and teamwork between remote and in-office employees.
Office and remote workers team up to match pairs of items. Remote workers describe their items, and office workers try to match them without seeing them.
Remote participants start by picking an item from their home (like a weird-shaped mug or a funky pen), but instead of showing it, they give the office team a detailed description. The in-office team then tries to find a matching item in the office based on that description alone. It’s all about great communication and attention to detail. Once both teams think they’ve found a match, they reveal the items on camera to see if they actually paired them correctly!
It’s a light-hearted, fun way to boost listening skills and teamwork between remote and in-office employees.
If you really want to encourage creativity, pick a theme and ask everyone to make something related to it. There’s so many directions people can go in, which makes this extra fun! You may decide to give people supplies in advance or pick one type of material for them to use. If you have a large group, perhaps you want to take a team-based approach to increase collaboration and bonding. Allow everyone to come up with their own work of art, and have a panel of judges pick the one that is most creative.
If you really want to encourage creativity, pick a theme and ask everyone to make something related to it. There’s so many directions people can go in, which makes this extra fun! You may decide to give people supplies in advance or pick one type of material for them to use. If you have a large group, perhaps you want to take a team-based approach to increase collaboration and bonding. Allow everyone to come up with their own work of art, and have a panel of judges pick the one that is most creative.
The rules of the game are simple. Your team must imagine they’re about to take a one-way ferry to a deserted island and they can only take three items with them. Present your team with your pre-prepared list of eight items and ask your employees to choose which three items they would take. Then, go around and ask what everybody chose and why.
Looking for a quick mental warm-up? The Desert Island Game is a classic icebreaker that pushes your team to make difficult decisions. You’ll also learn more about the priorities of your employees.
Great for: Decision-making
Duration: 5 minutes
Players: 4+
You’ll need: Nothing
Setup: Make a list of eight random items such as a shovel, string, sticky tape, a canvas bag, etc.
To play: The rules of the game are simple. Your team must imagine they’re about to take a one-way ferry to a deserted island and they can only take three items with them. Present your team with your pre-prepared list of eight items and ask your employees to choose which three items they would take. Then, go around and ask what everybody chose and why.
This energizer activity is best for people who have at least some familiarity with each other. It’s a simple format which means it's easy to execute. Divide everyone into groups of less than 20 to make things even easier. Hand each attendee a piece of paper and pen, and they should write their name down. After that the team leader should collect all of the papers, and have each participant draw a slip of paper. That person will read the name on the paper backwards to the entire group. The first person to guess the actual name being said wins. You can keep score and have a winning person or team, or just do open-ended guessing and enjoy the laughter that will ensue.
This energizer activity is best for people who have at least some familiarity with each other. It’s a simple format which means it's easy to execute. Divide everyone into groups of less than 20 to make things even easier. Hand each attendee a piece of paper and pen, and they should write their name down. After that the team leader should collect all of the papers, and have each participant draw a slip of paper. That person will read the name on the paper backwards to the entire group. The first person to guess the actual name being said wins. You can keep score and have a winning person or team, or just do open-ended guessing and enjoy the laughter that will ensue.
A simple yet effective way to encourage team bonding is by facilitating weekly ‘get-togethers’ online. These meetings can be really short and shouldn’t involve work-related topics. You can start by encouraging each employee to talk about two good things and one bad thing that happened that week.
A simple yet effective way to encourage team bonding is by facilitating weekly ‘get-togethers’ online. These meetings can be really short and shouldn’t involve work-related topics.
You can start by encouraging each employee to talk about two good things and one bad thing that happened that week.
This is a quick and easy icebreaker that doesn’t require any equipment and is guaranteed to produce a laugh. The game inspires your team to get creative and think on their feet in a fun environment. The aim of the game is to collaborate on an interesting and unpredictable story by allowing each player to contribute one sentence at a time.
This is a quick and easy icebreaker that doesn’t require any equipment and is guaranteed to produce a laugh. The game inspires your team to get creative and think on their feet in a fun environment. The aim of the game is to collaborate on an interesting and unpredictable story by allowing each player to contribute one sentence at a time.
To play The Neverending Story, gather your group into a circle, sitting or standing—it’s up to you. Then, choose a player to start, you can help them by giving them the first sentence or proposing a setting for the story. Once a sentence has been added to the story, the opportunity moves to the next person in the circle.
You can set a time limit, or bring the game to a close once the story meets its natural conclusion. Your team are sure to have great fun being creative and collaborating on a silly story.
If your team members are new to each other, encourage each player to include the name of one of their colleagues in their sentence. For example, “Then, Steve walked in and couldn’t believe his eyes!”
Ever thought of completing tasks in a foreign language with your team? The Language Barrier Quest throws you into an international adventure where you'll face language challenges head-on. Teammates support each other as you navigate through linguistic puzzles. It's not just about learning new words; it's a chance to build trust and embrace different cultures. This quest transforms language barriers into bridges, all while strengthening your team's cohesion.
Ever thought of completing tasks in a foreign language with your team? The Language Barrier Quest throws you into an international adventure where you'll face language challenges head-on. Teammates support each other as you navigate through linguistic puzzles. It's not just about learning new words; it's a chance to build trust and embrace different cultures. This quest transforms language barriers into bridges, all while strengthening your team's cohesion.
A gratitude hot seat is an exercise where employees express gratitude or appreciation for something or someone in the workplace.In this exercise, one person sits in the "hot seat" and shares what they are grateful for or appreciative of at work, which can be anything from a relationship with a coworker to a successful project outcome. Other participants in the group are encouraged to listen as well as offer acknowledgment.
A gratitude hot seat is an exercise where employees express gratitude or appreciation for something or someone in the workplace.
In this exercise, one person sits in the "hot seat" and shares what they are grateful for or appreciative of at work, which can be anything from a relationship with a coworker to a successful project outcome. Other participants in the group are encouraged to listen as well as offer acknowledgment.
You may have played Word Association to pass the time on long journies. Well, funnily enough, it also works brilliantly as a quick team-building game!
You may have played Word Association to pass the time on long journies. Well, funnily enough, it also works brilliantly as a quick team-building game!
Great for: Quick thinking, communication
Duration: 5 minutes
Players: 4+
You’ll need: Nothing
Setup: Position your group in a circle facing inwards. Players can be sitting or standing.
To play: To start the game, somebody starts with a one-word prompt. Then, play moves around the circle as each player replies with a word they strongly associate with the previous word. For example, if player one starts with the word “tree,” player two might say “leaves” and player three might follow up with “autumn.” Play moves around the circle until the time runs out.
To play guess the emoji board, you’ll need to ask each participant to send you a screenshot of their “most recent” emoji board on their phone. Once you’ve gathered all the screenshots, you can share your screen and display them one by one to the group.It’s now the participant’s job to try and guess who’s board it is based on the emojis they see. Some will be easy, while others will test your team’s powers of deduction.
This game doesn’t take very long, but it’s a great warm-up for the beginning of your meeting. It’s a great ice-breaker, especially for teams who already know each other a little.
To play guess the emoji board, you’ll need to ask each participant to send you a screenshot of their “most recent” emoji board on their phone. Once you’ve gathered all the screenshots, you can share your screen and display them one by one to the group.
It’s now the participant’s job to try and guess who’s board it is based on the emojis they see. Some will be easy, while others will test your team’s powers of deduction.
Working through a common challenge is an excellent way to engage large teams. This is an outdoor-friendly activity that you begin by telling the team that their job is to make a single length of rope into a perfect square. Sounds easy enough, but the catch is that they must do so blind-folded. Before being blindfolded, give everyone about 15 minutes to make a plan. Then, blindfolds go on and the teams get to work! First team to achieve a perfect square is the winner. Remember to bring enough blindfolds for everyone.
Working through a common challenge is an excellent way to engage large teams. This is an outdoor-friendly activity that you begin by telling the team that their job is to make a single length of rope into a perfect square. Sounds easy enough, but the catch is that they must do so blind-folded. Before being blindfolded, give everyone about 15 minutes to make a plan. Then, blindfolds go on and the teams get to work! First team to achieve a perfect square is the winner. Remember to bring enough blindfolds for everyone.
During breaks, encourage people to share unpopular opinions around a certain topic. You start by announcing a subject that is normally non-controversial. Then, let people raise their hands and share a “hot take”, which is an opinion not usually shared by others in general. Here’s an example: the topic is “movie villains”. Someone might raise their hand and say that their hot take is that a certain movie villain is misunderstood and shouldn’t be viewed as bad. Or, maybe the topic is “ice cream”. A hot take might be someone claiming that chocolate ice cream is the worst flavor. It’s important to keep these topics light and fun so that everyone is comfortable and finds the situation humorous. Now is not the time to bring up politics, religion, or even sports teams if you have a particularly passionate group. You can do a few rounds of this throughout the day whenever you need a pause or refresh.
During breaks, encourage people to share unpopular opinions around a certain topic. You start by announcing a subject that is normally non-controversial. Then, let people raise their hands and share a “hot take”, which is an opinion not usually shared by others in general. Here’s an example: the topic is “movie villains”. Someone might raise their hand and say that their hot take is that a certain movie villain is misunderstood and shouldn’t be viewed as bad. Or, maybe the topic is “ice cream”.
A hot take might be someone claiming that chocolate ice cream is the worst flavor. It’s important to keep these topics light and fun so that everyone is comfortable and finds the situation humorous. Now is not the time to bring up politics, religion, or even sports teams if you have a particularly passionate group. You can do a few rounds of this throughout the day whenever you need a pause or refresh.
Ever heard of the drinking game 'Categories'? Ever thought it could be adapted to a game that helps with active listening? Well, take a seat, my sober friend, and let's get into this! This version of the game will help promote better communication and listening skills among colleagues.
Ever heard of the drinking game 'Categories'? Ever thought it could be adapted to a game that helps with active listening? Well, take a seat, my sober friend, and let's get into this! This version of the game will help promote better communication and listening skills among colleagues.
Two Sides of The Coin is a quick game that’s a surprisingly powerful way to challenge preconceived notions and both forge and strengthen friendships. It revolves around the psychological concept of reframing, which is defined by the American Psychological Association as:“A process of reconceptualising a problem by seeing it from a different perspective…[which] serves to alter perceptions of the problem’s difficulty and to open up possibilities for solving it”.
Two Sides of The Coin is a quick game that’s a surprisingly powerful way to challenge preconceived notions and both forge and strengthen friendships. It revolves around the psychological concept of reframing, which is defined by the American Psychological Association as:
“A process of reconceptualising a problem by seeing it from a different perspective…[which] serves to alter perceptions of the problem’s difficulty and to open up possibilities for solving it”.
Each team member has to think of a negative event that has happened to them in their lifetime. It could be personal or professional, but it has to be true. Importantly, they should also feel comfortable talking about the event.
Everyone then pairs up with a partner (feel free to let people choose or decide for them who will work together) and takes turns disclosing what happened.
Having described it once, they then do it again! This time, though, they have to talk about the bright side of the event. Their partner’s job is to help them find and focus on this silver lining – working with them to reframe the problem into something positive.
They then switch roles so the helper becomes the helpee.
What you need:
Setting up a challenge for your teams using LEGO is a simple and playful way to kickstart an agile session. Tasking them with the challenge of building a specific structure shape using LEGO bricks. Stick a twist on it by giving them limited instructions
Setting up a challenge for your teams using LEGO is a simple and playful way to kickstart an agile session. Tasking them with the challenge of building a specific structure shape using LEGO bricks. Stick a twist on it by giving them limited instructions
Simply create small teams, 4 or 5 members per team will do. Each group gets a set of LEGO bricks and only partially completed instructions. Give them a time limit for preparing and see who builds closest to the desired structure. Variations on the game can include:
This is a guaranteed good-time game that can be played after work on a retreat or at a weekend getaway with your team. It only requires the game Jenga and adequate seating and surface area for playing.
This is a guaranteed good-time game that can be played after work on a retreat or at a weekend getaway with your team. It only requires the game Jenga and adequate seating and surface area for playing.
The same rules apply to Jenga Thoughts to the original Jenga. There is a tower made out of rectangular wooden blocks that players have to remove, so the whole tower doesn’t fall strategically.
With this team-building-friendly version, each block has a question the player has to answer. The objective is to keep the tower intact, but questions facilitate discussion and break down walls, bringing teams together while playing.
Materials you’ll need: A Jenga set, multiple, and seating areas with tables where people can play.
How many people: Small to mid-sized teams and a large one for setting up the game so everyone can play. If you have multiple Jenga sets, ensure you have several tables to seat and several small groups.
You've probably guessed what this game is about based on its name, but guessing an emotion can be trickier than you think. Practicing your ability to read people’s feelings can pay off in the long run, especially when it comes to reading the room at company meetings and asking the right questions if something feels off regarding an employee's emotional state.
You've probably guessed what this game is about based on its name, but guessing an emotion can be trickier than you think. Practicing your ability to read people’s feelings can pay off in the long run, especially when it comes to reading the room at company meetings and asking the right questions if something feels off regarding an employee's emotional state.
Your team is split into two groups and draws a card from a deck with emotions written on each card. One team chooses someone to have the lead role and act out an emotion while the whole group tries to guess whether or not they're angry, sad, happy, etc.
If a team correctly guesses the emotion, they win ten points. The groups can rotate like this through as many emotions as possible, or at least until each team member gets the chance to act.
Materials you’ll need: A deck of cards with emotions written on them.
How many people: Small to mid-sized teams (8-16 people)
Sharpen deductive skills! In Secret Noun, one person selects a noun, and the rest of the team uses questions to guess the word.
Sharpen deductive skills! In Secret Noun, one person selects a noun, and the rest of the team uses questions to guess the word.
Instructions on how to play:
Why it's a great team building game:
Top tip to help the game run smoothly: Encourage the person with the secret noun to think creatively and choose a word that allows for diverse questions. After each round, discuss the team's approach and share insights on effective questioning.
Return to your childhood birthday with a “pin the tail on” game. You can buy a set from a party store or online, or you can make up your own game with your own visuals. Some people print a large photo of a coworker and have that as the game piece. For example, if your boss always drinks Diet Coke, maybe you have a life-size image of her and participants should try to pin the beverage into her hand. As a refresher, the game involves having participants approach the game, one at a time, to be blindfolded and spun around. Then, they attempt to pin an accessory to the larger picture. It’s usually good for some laughs to see where everyone’s pins ended up.
Return to your childhood birthday with a “pin the tail on” game. You can buy a set from a party store or online, or you can make up your own game with your own visuals. Some people print a large photo of a coworker and have that as the game piece. For example, if your boss always drinks Diet Coke, maybe you have a life-size image of her and participants should try to pin the beverage into her hand. As a refresher, the game involves having participants approach the game, one at a time, to be blindfolded and spun around. Then, they attempt to pin an accessory to the larger picture. It’s usually good for some laughs to see where everyone’s pins ended up.